Welcome to Warrior Wives Prayer Ministry


"The joy of seeing marriages, hopelessly dead brought to life is the Greatest Joy we desire".

Founder-Servt. Ps. Dr. Mrs. Agnes Odoi

Agnes Odoi holds a Ph.D. in Christian Philosophy with a Specialty in Christian Marriage Counselling; a Master of Arts in Theology with Management; a Master of Business Administration in HRM; a BA in Theology; a Diploma in Theology; a Diploma in Biblical Studies, Teacher Cert 'A'. An Author, and the Founder and President of Warrior Wives Prayer Ministry - Global. She is also the CEO of The Warriors Prayer Tower Complex (Daniel’s Christian Centre) at Atwima Boko, a Retreat Centre for the spiritual upliftment of Christians. She also directs the Mount Zion Christian Counselling Centre, where they offer Premarital, Marital, and General Counselling, and the Training of Christian Counsellors for Churches. Through this center, she has prepared many men and women who are enjoying peaceful and successful marriages around the globe.


Prayer is our Weapon!

Who we are

Warrior Wives Prayer Ministry (Wawpram) - is a non-denominational, non-profit group of married Christian women who come together, twice a month, on Sundays, with a commitment and zeal to pray, study Biblical principles of marriage, and seek God’s favor into our families.
It is an international association of Christian women whose mission is to fulfill God’s institution of marriage by equipping women to perform their God-given tasks as helpers, improving their socio-economic lives, and seeking their welfare. As reflected in our vision statement, every Christian marriage is to be long-lasting and successful through the empowerment and transformation of women globally by the Word of God.
We do this with the hope of curbing divorce and broken homes in our society.
WAWPRAM is a ministry birthed out of prayer and compassion to pray for healthy and strong Christian marriages.
We believe the weapons of prayer and knowledge are the secrets to successful divorce-proof marriages and strong families. The Bible declares in 2 Cor 10:4 that “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”.
This is reflected in our mantra: Warrior Wives! – Prayer Is Our Weapon!

Our vision is to empower women globally to have and enjoy successful long-lasting Christian marriages.

Empowering Christian wives to perform their God-given task as helpers to their husbands – Gen. 2:18b-25


Becoming good and responsible mothers to both children and husbands – Titus 2:4b


Empowering women to serve their husbands in humility – Ephe. 5:22; Col 3:18


Empowering women to perform their domestic duties as wives. – Gen. 18:6; Prov. 31:13-27


Winning our husband's hearts by our good and godly character – 1 Peter 3:1-2


 Waging a spiritual battle against the devil to snatch our marriages, husbands, children, and businesses from the snare of the enemy through prayers – 2 Corin 10:4

WARRIOR WIVES PRAYER MINISTRY (WAWPRAM) is a non-denominational, non-profit group of married Christian women who come together, twice a month, on Sundays, with a commitment and zeal to pray, study Biblical principles of marriage and seek God’s favour into our families. We do this with the hope of curbing divorce and broken homes in our society.

We believe the weapons of prayer and knowledge are the secrets to successful divorce-proof marriages and strong families. The Bible declares in 2Co 10:4 that “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”.

This is reflected in our slogan: Warrior Wives! – Prayer Is Our Weapon!

WAWPRAM is a ministry birthed out of prayer and compassion to pray for healthy and strong Christian marriages.


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