
Brief History

WAWPRAM is a ministry birthed out of prayer and compassion to pray against challenges in marriages, especially divorce in Christian marriages. At its inception, the group comprised of thirteen (13) wives who met in the home of Rev. & Mrs. Odoi.

The numerical growth necessitated relocation to Mizpah School initially and thence to Adum Presby in less than two years. The group currently meets in a three-classroom block at the Grace Baptist School, Amakom-Kumasi

Warrior Wives! Prayer is our WEAPON!

WARRIOR WIVES PRAYER MINISTRY (WAWPRAM) is a non-denominational, non-profit group of married Christian women who come together, twice a month, on Sundays, with a commitment and zeal to pray, study Biblical principles of marriage and seek God’s favour into our families. We do this with the hope of curbing divorce and broken homes in our society.

We believe the weapons of prayer and knowledge are the secrets to successful divorce-proof marriages and strong families. The Bible declares in 2Co 10:4 that “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”.

This is reflected in our slogan: Warrior Wives! – Prayer Is Our Weapon!

WAWPRAM is a ministry birthed out of prayer and compassion to pray for healthy and strong Christian marriages.

Mrs. Agnes Odoi had a burning heart to serve the Lord but did not know exactly what the Lord wanted her to do. With this dilemma of wanting to do something for the Lord yet not knowing what exactly it was caused her a lot of frustration to the point that she felt she was wasting her life.

It was during her time in the Bible College that the Lord signaled /confirmed what He wanted her to do by using her as an instrument in strengthening her colleagues’ and student’s family challenges.

Three years after Bible College she still did not know what the Lord had for her so she entered into intensive prayers and had the conviction that, she had something in her hand. What vividly came into her mind was what she was doing with her colleagues’ families back in the Bible College. Sharing this vision with her husband Rev. Foster Odoi, she was encouraged to start

Sharing this vision with her husband Rev. Foster Odoi, she was encouraged to start immediately. Mrs. Odoi then shared this vision with some of her daughters in the Lord. Thirteen women crystalized its inception and started meeting at the home of Rev. & Mrs. Odoi from the 12th day of June 2008. The numerical growth necessitated relocation to Mizpah School (old site atSusanso) initially and then later to Adum Presby in less than two years. The group currently meets at Amakwatia JHS, opposite Stadium, Kumasi.

The group meets fortnightly and activities such as Bible studies, family seminars, retreats, counselling sessions and prayer meetings are organized towards achieving its vision.

In addition, Pastor Mrs. Agnes Odoi hosts a programme on the Kumasi-based ‘Spirit’ 88.3 FM station every Friday from 8:00 pm - 9.30 pm.

Our vision is to empower women globally to have and enjoy successful long-lasting Christian

  •         Empowering Christian wives to perform their God-given task as helpers to their husbands  Gen. 1:20b-25

·    Becoming good and responsible mothers to both children and husbands  Titus 2:4b

·       Empowering women to serve their own husbands in humility  Ephe. 5:22; Col 3:18

·       Empowering women to perform their domestic duties as wives.  Gen. 18:6;

Prov. 31:13-27

·       Winning our husbands hearts by our good and godly character  1 Peter 3:1-2

·       Waging a spiritual battle against the devil to snatch our marriages, husbands, children, and businesses from the snare of the enemy through prayers  2 Corin 10:4

Our colours are orange and white.

The orange signifies energy in our lives, balance in our work and marriage, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, optimism, flamboyance that permeates in all aspects of our Christian lives as wives and mothers.

The white symbolises wholeness and perfection in our Christian lives, Purity, openness, and truthfulness which are the hallmarks of every Christian is what we strive for. We always look forward to new beginnings, new development and completion as depicted by the colour white.






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Retreat Centres

Our Amazing Leaders

Meet our amazing leaders at WAWPRAM