new mom


I have been a member of Warrior Wives Prayer Ministry for five years now and the Lord has dealt graciously with my marriage and family.

By the grace of God,my sister got pregnant and when her labour time was due, it became difficult for mother and the baby. I remember that Sunday was a meeting day and we were asked to bring a bottle of wine for communion. I left my sister at the hospital to go and part take in the communion. The servant of God, Serv. Ps. Mrs. Agnes Odoi prayed on the wine and bread and told us to use it for anything in faith and it will surely work.

Quickly I rushed to the hospital where my sister was still in pain after many hours and offered her the communion. Beloved, immediately she ate the communion, she felt the baby coming and cried for the doctor to come and help her. To the surprise of the doctor and all of us,the baby suddenly came out with just a little push. Indeed there is a power in the blood and body of Jesus.

Glory be to God.

angry couple

Stress-free marriage at last

I have been married for the past twenty-two years, however right through the first eighteen years, we experienced so many challenges that I did not enjoy any peace or happiness. After the first two years of marriage, my husband started having extra-marital affairs. Sometimes he would inform me he was travelling to attend a two-week course in Accra, only to end up spending the entire period at another womans house. Once I became aware of this it degenerated into a huge fight on his return, during which I beat him up mercilessly. None of this actually put an end to his affairs. At certain times I would show up at his girlfriends house, lock them both in their rooms and beat them up, but all to no avail.


The last straw that broke the camels back was when I returned from my hometown earlier than planned and rang the bell. It was some time before he answered the door, fuelling my suspicions that he was not alone in the house. I went straight to the bedroom which was empty, but I found the woman hiding in the bathroom. I was just about to hit her with a metal rod, but for the intervention of my husband who protected her with his hand. This resulted in an injury to his wrist and brought about a separation between us for about three months. Although we shared the same apartment and even the same bedroom, I used a separate bed and decided never to sleep in the same bed he had defiled with another woman. None of these resulted in any change of behaviour or attitude.


I lost all respect for him consequently; he became more recalcitrant as a result of my attitude towards him, turning all this into a very vicious cycle. The situation escalated to the point where I sought for a divorce, but due to his status as an elder in his church, he brought in people I respected to plead on his behalf for reconciliation. Although I accepted his apology, I had lost all respect and love for him.

I was introduced to, joined WWPM at this point (2008), and through the teachings realised that fighting and naggings were futile and only exacerbated the situation; the change had to start from within me. I also realised that I had contributed to the status quo through my own ignorance and insensitivity to his needs. My husband ultimately noticed this change and improvement in my relationship towards him, and consequently changed his own behaviour. One of the lessons I learned was that nagging and fighting are marriage destroyers and do not serve any useful purpose in establishing happy and joyful marital homes.

Now he advises and encourages others in similar situations using the example of our own experiences and the power of God to turn things around. Praise God!


Pregnant at last!

I had been married for nearly five years but remained childless until just a year ago after I had been introduced to WWPM. We had several challenges in our marriage which usually worsened whenever I fell pregnant and subsequently miscarried.  I found the situation so unbearable that I eventually left my marital home despite efforts by elders and church counsellors to resolve issues. We managed to come together after the miscarriage, but this was short-lived due to misunderstandings and lack of affection for each other. I was pregnant at this point but the frustration, worry, and anxiety proved too much for me that I ended up in hospital.

Concerned that I might lose this baby, I moved out of my home again and did not even return after the delivery, and did not see or speak to him for four years. I was so embittered I did not even want our child to sign his name as father. She was due to start pre-school at Grace Baptist School, where I met Pas. Mrs Odoi and through discussion I explained why I did not want my daughter signing her fathers name, despite being the biological father.

Mrs. Odoi committed herself to counselling and praying with me to ensure the marriage worked again. My husband and I both realised how ignorant we had been, our marriage was restored by Gods grace and we now share with and counsel others in similar situations.

Glory be to God for resurrecting my marriage through this ministry.



husband-stopped cheating

My husband stopped cheating

I got married four years ago and my problems started approximately one year afterward. Due to work commitments, I was living in Kumasi with my husband living in Accra. He started engaging in extra-marital affairs with a girlfriend in Accra who stayed with him when I returned to Kumasi after my visits. Once I had knowledge of this, and visited him unannounced and met them together and viciously attacked them. I learnt to my horror that the girlfriend was pregnant with his child. She would call and verbally abuse and taunt me, referring to him as our husband. My husband would even support her and would threaten me against retaliating against his girlfriend. He eventually moved in with her without my knowledge and she would text to taunt me whenever they were together. My husband started abusing me, insinuating that I was not a woman worth being married to etc., and threatened to take away my son and divorce me. He didnt speak to me for about two months.

I discussed the on-going issues with Mummy and she prayed with me. During the couples dinner which I attended on my own, he called me on the phone and two days later was in Kumasi to visit us. He felt guilty and asked for forgiveness, saying he knew only my prayers had saved him from the clutches of his now ex-girlfriend. We went to church together, and have now been blessed with another baby, to the glory of God.



new mom

Delivery without Cesarean section

I got married in Oct 2010 and after suffering two miscarriages, I was introduced to WWPM. Two months after joining, a prayer and fasting meeting was organised for women expecting the fruit of the womb, dubbed Owonta Retreat. Along with twenty-four (24) other women, I attended this programme, after which about seven of them conceived. Mummy continued praying with me, but then I missed my period. When I started bleeding, I became concerned that I might miscarry again.

I had a prophecy to expect a miracle, but I did not even know I was still pregnant then. We had another prayer and fasting session which I participated not realizing I was pregnant; it really came as a surprise when the pregnancy test was affirmative. I was told by the Dr to expect a Caesarean section due to my previous history, but Mummy stood in prayer with me and when my time was due, I safely delivered of a baby girl. Glory to God!



Contact Info

Warrior Prayer Tower Complex (Daniels Christian Retreat Centre) ATWIMA BOKO - KUMASI

Daily: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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